Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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98 lines
Version 2.1e
Two new utilities, GCD and MExec, now included with Batman!
GCD (Graphics Change Directory) lets you view the entire directory tree
and select a new working directory. Command:
GCD [/R] [/S]
/R : This option reads the current drive and updates the
table of directories. This table is stored in the file
GCD.DAT in the root directory. This file is created
automatically if it does not exist.
/S : Sets 43- or 50-line mode on EGA or VGA video adapters.
Use this option only if you have one of these adapters
in your system.
Available functions:
Arrow keys : Move around in the directory tree.
HOME : Go to root directory.
END : Go to last directory.
RETURN : Make current selection current directory and return to
ESC : Return to DOS without changing the current directory.
Ctrl + A,
Ctrl + B,
etc. : Change current drive to A:, B:, etc.
GCD also supports Speed Search - just start typing the desired directory
name, and the cursor will move directly to the first matching directory.
GCD will beep if you type a non-existent directory name.
MExec displays selected files on the screen and lets you tag one or more.
The tagged files are then passed as parameters to a specified command.
Format of MExec command:
MEXEC <file specification> <command>
The parameter <file specification> determines which files will be
shown on MExec's display. You can select one or more of these files, and
they will then be passed to <command> as parameters. The specified
command must contain the character '#' - this tells MExec where to insert
the selected file names. An example:
mexec *.dat copy # a:
This command will display all files with extension .DAT, and let you tag
one or more. If you, for instance, choose the two files PERSON.DAT and
COMPANY.DAT, these commands will be executed:
copy person.dat a:
copy company.dat a:
These keys are available in MExec:
<UP> - moves the cursor one line upwards.
<DOWN> - moves the cursor one line downwards.
<PG UP> - shows the previous page.
<PG DN> - shows the next page.
<SPACE> - tags a file. Press the key again to untag.
<RETURN> - executes the command, with the selected files as parameters.
<ESC> - aborts MExec without executing the commands.
Version 2.0e
As requested, Batman is now available in an English version. Watch this
space for future updates and enhancements. And bugfixes.
Please note that English versions will be distributed in .ZIP-files
named BATMNxxE.ZIP, whereas the Norwegian versions will be available
as BATMANxx.ZIP. Just so that you don't spend time and money down-
loading the wrong files.
Have fun!